Still Prospecting Like It’s 2019?

It’s time to rethink the way you do outreach.
nCommon's buyer intelligence and hyper-personalized messaging accelerate meaningful engagement.
A woman with purple background

Prospecting is Hard

Whether you’re a sales representative, professional, small business owner, or fundraiser, you know how hard prospecting is. It's why we invented nCommon.
Your prospects are overwhelmed with vendor messages. How do you get their attention?
How do you differentiate yourself, your company, and your offering?
Generic campaigns don't work. But the research needed to create personalized messaging takes hours.
Prospects are skeptical of salespeople. How do you build rapport and trust?
A woman with purple background

Prospecting is Hard

Whether you’re a sales representative, professional, small business owner, or fundraiser, you know how hard prospecting is. It's why we invented nCommon.

Your prospects are overwhelmed with vendor messages. How do you get their attention?
How do you differentiate yourself, your company, and your offering?
Generic campaigns don't work. But the research needed to create personalized messaging takes hours.
Prospects are skeptical of salespeople. How do you build rapport and trust?

Become a Prospecting Machine!

nCommon is redefining the way you prospect. It’s designed for individuals who are ready to take charge of their own success.

Boost Your Conversion Rate

By connecting with prospects on a personal level and showing that you've done your homework, your conversion rates will soar. Not only will you differentiate yourself from competitors, prospects will appreciate your effort to relate to them, increasing the likelihood of getting meetings, initiating deals, and closing them.
Companies using personalized outreach strategies experience an average of 10-15% increase in revenue compared to those using generic approaches.
Salesforce and McKinsey & Co.
Personalized outreach can result in a 40% higher average deal size compared to generic outreach.

Save Time

nCommon combs through all publicly-available data sources about your prospects to deliver essential insights and targeted messaging in an easy-to-use format. Instead of spending hours every week on research, you can focus on what you do best – selling! 
The average salesperson spends about 20% of their time prospecting, but only 10% of their time is actually spent engaging with prospects.
HubSpot, 2023

Unleash the Power of Personalization

We're not just talking about adding prospect names to email templates. nCommon uncovers commonalities, provides clues to your prospect's business needs, and tailors your communication for their personality type and situation.

Two persons getting matched with commonalities feature of nCommon

nCommon scours publicly available information about your prospects to uncover shared interests and experiences that can help break the ice and build rapport instantly. Common ground is the foundation of fruitful relationships.

61% of customers say they are more likely to trust a salesperson who shares commonalities with them.
57% of buyers are more likely to engage with a salesperson who has similar interests.
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nCommon also gathers and organizes information about your prospect's organization, its strategic priorities, and specific challenges. This knowledge helps you build trust by presenting a valuable point of view so you can position your solution optimally.

Salespeople who express a business point of view (POV) to prospects are 30% more likely to engage with them than salespeople who do not. If the POV is slightly different from the prospect's primary need, they are even more likely to engage, at a rate of 40%. Harvard Business Review
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A infographic showing the DICS model

nCommon’s AI analyzes your prospect's digital footprint to determine their DISC personality type and offers communication guidance to forge and nurture a relationship with them. 

Salespeople who use language to match the DISC personality type of their prospects increase the odds of engaging with them by 37%. And salespeople who use personalized language are more likely to close deals than salespeople who don’t.
University of Pennsylvania Study, 2023
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ncommon gathering all insight about your prospects and auto generates a called email to outreach

nCommon gathers extensive data about your prospects and auto-generates hyper-personalized messages that maximize the chance of engagement. Messages are editable and nCommon even offers alternative text choices.

Personalized emails are 40% more likely to be opened than non-personalized emails.
Personalized emails have a 20% higher click-through rate than generic emails.
Experian Marketing Services
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nCommon Outreach

Quit using email templates and “Quick Question” subject lines. They don’t work. nCommon auto-generates succinct, compelling, hyper-personalized messages that prospects read.  
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Things to Know
Use this summary information about your prospect to break the ice and build rapport quickly.
Communication Advice
Tailor your communication style based on your prospect’s inferred DISC profile. E.g. Should you tell stories or present data?
Increase your chance of response by highlighting things you have in common, like employment, interests, hobbies, and more.
Deeper Insights
Understand their motivations, passions, and personality traits to guide your communications and avoid landmines.
Insights to your prospect’s business needs enable you to position your product or service as a solution.
Best Times
Know the best times to reach out to your prospect to increase your chances of engaging with them.

nCommon Profile

nCommon arms you with insights to your prospects’ personalities, interests, business opportunities, things you have in common, and more. Authentic engagement just got easier!

Enterprise Class.
Designed for You.

Nothing to Configure

nCommon is licensed with no corporate red tape and accessed via the web. There is no integration necessary, no security exposure, and no IT support required.


We don’t share your data or your prospects’ data, and we retain it only as long as is required by our user license. And we protect all data from unauthorized access by using the latest in data security.


Rest assured that all information gathered is from publicly available sources, ensuring your prospecting process is both ethical and compliant with privacy regulations.
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Try nCommon

We are busy preparing nCommon for its public launch, but during this private beta period we are offering free access. Sign up today.
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